Monday, September 16, 2013

Education is the key to life

"We give them God, for a better eternity and English for a better future"

I can't even begin to count how many times I have heard, "Reba, why are you helping them when their are poor, and poverty here in America" or "Why are they so behind, they have access to the same things we do" or the one that kills me the most, "Reba, it's there fault they are in poverty." (Yes I have heard that many times) To be completely honest, in the beginning of this journey... I asked myself the same questions. BUT God has recently answered these questions, and I am now here to do the same, and show you the IMPORTANCE of the sponsorship needed for Kingstar school!

I want you to think really hard about this question, "what is the one thing in this world that it is impossible to go your life without?"
While most of you probably thought food, water, or maybe even a material thing.... Your wrong!"
Okay, maybe water is the number one thing besides air. There is something that you have to have in order to get food..." That is an education, in order for that food to be grown/Made/cooked how ever you want to look at it, someone had to learn and then teach someone else that process.

In America, we have lost the importants of education because it is a natural thing. It is extremely rare for an American to not spend years 3-18 in some type of education system! Public school, Primary School, Home School. An American child/Teen spends at least 13 years in some type of school. That is just what happens, no questions about it. Why? Because we know(subconsciously) that if we do not go through school, we will not EVER be able to be successful in life.
In Africa, it is not the same case. For years Africans have lived "normal"(in there culture) without attending any type of education what's so ever. And in earlier times, this might have been okay. But this is the 21st Centerury, and lets face it.... Education is what makes the world go round!!
Although some of these African parents realize the importance of education, there is also issue number two... They just can not afford it. Some of these parents make barley enough money to put food on the table, much less be able to pay the school fees that are required at ANY school in Africa.
Again you ask, we'll why can't they afford it? Because maybe they have not had any education, therefore they do not have a job, or anyway to send there child to a school.... Thus adding another generation into this devistating cycle, that unless fixed will continue on for years to come.

In life, American children, African children, Japanese children, British children ALL children MUST learn how to read, they must learn how to write, add, subtract, multiply, divid. If they do not know how to do this, then there is NO way to live a successful life! This statement is true for any country,race or culture! Education is the key to life.

So Reba, why are you helping them when their are poor, and poverty here in America" Because Americans are given the ability to go to school for free. Yes I understand that there are MANY American families who unable to buy school supplies,clothes,food. Just like Africans, But a child in America will NEVER be turned away from receiving an education, education is free! 

This is why finding sponsors for these kids is so Important. There are tons of kids sitting in Kigamboni Tanzania Africa right now who are not in school, they are sitting some where not in a class room, and right now they have no hope at ever getting out the cycle of poverty. 
Deuteronomy 24:19-22 
When you harvest your grain and forget a sheaf back in the field, don’t go back and get it; leave it for the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow so that God, your God, will bless you in all your work. When you shake the olives off your trees, don’t go back over the branches and strip them bare—what’s left is for the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow. And when you cut the grapes in your vineyard, don’t take every last grape—leave a few for the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow. Don’t ever forget that you were a slave in Egypt. I command you: Do what I’m telling you.

If you go back and read my blog titled "YoU own nothing" it talks about how God is the owner of everything, he gives you the clothes you wear,  the job you have, and the money you make! It is HIS!!
Now I want to ask you a question..  Do you really think that it makes God happy to see his beloved children suffering, hungry and living life without any hope of success? Because God is the creator of all things! And he LOVES ALL of his creations!

I ask that you will take this time to pray about your leftovers, and ask God what he wants you to do with them.

Monday, September 2, 2013

If I had a teleport!

If I had a teleport... I would not be sitting in my bed right now, I would be standing here
 At the morning assembly of the first day of the last semester of 2013 of Kingstar School!! 
Laying in my bed tonight I received a photo of Seba, one of my students, my little brother, my sweet boy! 
Immediately a smile comes across my face! 
I asked, "did he know you we're taking his picture for me?" My friend says "yes!!! I told him teacher Reba needs your photo, and he asked me if you were inside or if you would be at school today, and I told him no, she is at her home!" After already feeling my heart break he sends "Seba misses teacher Reba" 
Yep, my heart now lays here shattered into a million pieces!! And by looking at this photo my biggest fear is coming true!! He has grown soooo much! Seriously it's only been 54 days since I left... He is going to be HUGE by time I get there in November!! Ha If I had a teleport, I would have at that moment jumped out of bed and been at his side in minutes!! 
I then began to left up all my students in prayer, and I ask that if you are reading this I ask you to do the same thing!!
Following my prayer time I  called my dear friend, teacher Terry! She didn't make it any easier, she just told me that she wishes I was there with her! :( ME TOO!!
With tears streaming down my face I hung up, with a heavy heart I lay here. BUT although I do not have a teleport to rush to my babies! I do have hope and thankfulness!
I mean it could be worst... I could have never meet these sweet kids, I could have never been blessed to have this connection to people 10000 miles away from me!! So although I lay her with a heavy heart, it is heavy because of the most amazing blessings God could have EVER given me!!

80 more days. And I will be back at that place, back where my heart is! But until then, I must remember why God has me here in Gun Barrel City Texas.. Living at home, going to school to get my teaching degree, so that one day, I will be standing in that place! Getting ready to teach those kids!! And THAT is the ONLY reason I am okay with not having a teleport!! :) hahaha

Gods plans for our live are RIDICULOUS!! if you just submit EVERYTHING to him, give it all back to him! He will one day give you back MORE then you could ever imagine!!