Saturday, August 24, 2013

He never gives up on us!

Do you ever picture your life as an actual race? Watching yourself run up hills, rush through valleys, fall down, want to give up? 
The race of life is not easy, at all! But we as Christian are promised a partner to help us run. Our Partner is strong, he has ran this same race before and he has conquered it, he has defeated it! This partner is God! But we also have an enemy who is constantly throwing rocks at our feet, making us trip and stumble! 
Today if I could sit and watch how I ran today, I would be pretty embraced. Starting out good, a steady pace. But when I began to speed up the enemy began to throw rocks at my feet. He threw sorrow, and fear. And I quickly fell to the ground crying in pain, feeling unable to breath my partner ran up beside me, took my hand and helped me back on my feet. He spoke words of encouragement and strength. I stood up, taller then before and began to run again, with a look of praise across my face. But of course my enemy could not allow that. So he through the rock of insecurity, and this time I nose dived into the ground. I did not want to get up, I just laid there in despair. But my partner again, he ran up beside and pulled me to my feet, discouraged I fell back to the ground, and I knew my enemy thought he had me! But my partner would not give up. He told me I could do it and all I had to do was trust him. Unwillingly I stood to my feet and began to run again. Time passed and my enemy continued to throw stone and each time I would fall and just like before my partner rushed to my side for comfort and strength! But then my enemy knew he could make me fall and not stand again. So he began to throw more stones of impatience and insecurity. I began to fall but this time my partner caught me early, he grabbed me and said "no Reba your fine! Do you not see that I have a plan for you, and while these rocks and falls are painful, these struggles seem not worth the pain, I have a reason for the struggles! I allow them to hit you to make you stronger!" I stood back up right and smiled in victory as I began to run to the finish line of today! 

You see, no matter how many times I fell, how many times I just wanted to give up. My partner never let me! He never gave up on Me and continued to love and give me the strength I needed! 

Remember this Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1 NLT)

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